More Machine Troubles!

Ok, so when I say troubles, I mean setbacks really.

I got the machine out of its case, but as you can see from the pictures that follow it needs a really good clean and service before it can be used. Which is a huge shame because it looks like a real workhorse.

It is stunning don’t you agree? I can’t wait to have it all cleaned up and ready to use. I will however have to find a good sewing machine service centre first as unfortunately there are none in the town where I live. 

I am still disappointed about Harry and Rosie not being finished, however I have yet another more pressing sewing problem. I have something special to make and finish in the next 24 hours. I can’t go into too much detail right now, but rest assured should I complete my mini mission in time I shall be singing from the rooftops before the bells tomorrow night!!

So, on that rather cryptic note, I leave you with some more pictures of the singer.


Filed under Fabric obsessions, Harry & Rosie - the bear and the cat, Sewing Woes!

2 responses to “More Machine Troubles!

  1. N

    Mum had a sewing machine this one when we were little, it used loads and loads and she was so upset when it was unrepairable. Just had a little reminisce looking at your pics lol

  2. I am really hoping that it is serviceable. It was only used onec or twice, so fingers crossed all it needs is a good clean and service!
    I am so fed up of my modern machines going pop and really, really want this to have pride of place – I just love old things like this.

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